Don’t Be A Flubag

I had the pleasure this past week of business travel coupled with a cold. Nothing major. More an annoyance than anything else. I was off the mat for a week, and I was really looking forward to getting back at it on Monday. Even though I felt better and was likely beyond the contagious period, I reconsidered and stayed home. There is no finish line per se, and a couple extra days is better than getting my teammates sick. Plus, Coach is a germ freak, and I want to do right by him. That’s why our mats are always squeaky clean and nobody goes home with ring worm. Thanks, Coach!

Here are some basic cold & flu facts to help you know when to stay or when to go…

  1. You were likely infected by the cold virus 24 to 72 hours before showing any symptoms. Technically, you were contagious during this period, but unless you are swapping spit with your teammates, sweat won’t transmit the cold virus. Mucus is the culprit. If you are swapping spit and/or mucus with a teammate, I don’t want to know about it. Unless you are married, and I still don’t want to know about it.
  2. When you show symptoms, stay the f**k away from the gym. Coughing and sneezing spread a bazillion micro-mucus particles like 10 to 15 feet in all directions. If we are rolling and you sneeze on me because you just came down with a little cold, I guarantee next time we meet you’re going to get a high-five to the face with dirty dick hands, after practice.
  3. You’re most contagious when you feel your shittiest. Pretty simple. From the point you initially feel bad to the point when you are unlikely to spread the funk is 10 days. After 10 days, you may not feel 100%, but you’re not going to get your teammates sick. Coming to class before you should is pretty selfish. Don’t be a flubag. Take the 10 days to reflect on why you suck so bad at Jits. That’s what I did, and I feel GREAT!!
  4. If you are not sick and want to stay that way, wash your hands and refrain from licking things in and around the gym. Gross.

That’s about it for now. I’m past my 10 days and looking forward to getting back on the mat. And yes, this is a make-up post for missing last Wednesday. Another post tomorrow, back on our regular schedule.


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