Bring On 2017

I have never personally been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. They are just so cliché and contrived. That is just my opinion. But opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, and it probably stinks. I do however believe it is important to set goals. And I do use the New Year as a milestone marker. I suppose that could fall into the resolutions category. See what I said about opinions is true. Ah no matter, I’ll own the badge of asshole proudly.

About those goals. Get them down on paper. Pen in hand. Write them down. Go to the store and pick up a 3 subject notebook. And start writing. Then revisit your notes as often as needed but at least once per week. Big outcomes are the result of many small successes. Much like our Jits. Even the smallest step forward is a step forward. And revisiting your notes weekly will make sure you don’t let too much time pass without at least considering your position. I do this everyday. Every single day. I go through more 5 subject notebooks than a high school freshman. Mostly because I have 150 ideas floating through my head at any one time, and its the only way to manage it. Otherwise, nothing would get done, and they would just be ideas, floating in my head.

How does this fit into Jits? I am coming up on one year. My Jitsiversary. I think sometime in February. I will have to figure that one out. Am I better than I was when I started? I hope so. Some days I don’t feel like it, but I know I am. I can survive longer. I know that. But where do I want to be this same time next year? Here are my top 5 in no particular order…

  1. Show up (this needs to be #1 in everybodys list)
  2. Improve cardio
  3. Improve defense and survival
  4. Study and master 1 offensive move
  5. Start to define my style

The first 3 are really a matter of maintaining. And yes, 1 move. That’s it. I want to be able to say not only can I survive, but I have mastered the (insert name of move with which I will totally kick ass and aligns with my style). Which brings us to the last goal. Define my style. Right now I’m just playing Jits. I’m surviving. Strategy is an after thought. I want this to change. And it will.

Ok well boring post. But whatever. In addition to Jits, I am running a 5K everyday to raise money for various charitable organizations. You are welcome to join me in whatever capacity you can. Visit my FB page or download the Charity Miles app and join the team “5K Everyday 2017”. It is an insane goal, but I think it will force a lot of good changes. So when it is -20 outside and snowing, you can ask yourself, “I wonder if that asshole is out there running today?”

5K Everyday 2017

Enjoy and Happy New Year.

I’ll fun this up a little with some self-deprecation. Here I am doing an armbar…

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